Intelligence Artificial

The mere phrase artificial intelligence should be a clue that no good will come of fully opening this door. 

For what does it mean to be artificially intelligent?

Me, doing science

If we take the words as they present (which is really all we can do), it means an intelligence that is not real on its own but merely a poor man’s copy of smartness, acumen or whatever you want to call it.

It’s at best a simulation of something clever and at worst an abject lie.

Whatever it is, it’s certainly not actually superior thinking.  Its words literally tell us that.

So then, what is it?

Well, clearly it’s a fake out.  Or, as it’s better known in popular vernacular —


Ugh that term #ew

Donald J. Trump if what he spewed was merely a reordering of facts stolen from other sources rather than an incessant firehouse of bile-filed personal grievance posing as reality.

Though when you think about it that way, A.I.’s potential personal evolutions are a lot more frightening.

That is, if you can consider something that self-proclaims to be artificial, anything approaching a person.

Yet another issue for future U.S. Supreme Courts to debate and wrongly decide on.

My heart cannot take this

A couple of weeks ago I was watching MSNBC, which I admittedly do far too often.  It was towards the end of Joy Reid’s show, The Reid Out, and she began reporting on artificial intelligence by way of herself.

It seems that there is a viral video circulating that shows Joy being interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper hawking weight loss gummies.  And when she played a 20 second clip from it there it was –

Hmmm… something’s not right here

Joy talking up these weight loss gummies in very factual, Joy-esque style to Anderson, after explaining lawyers have only recently cleared her to speak about it.  There were even before and after photos to support her personal weight loss.

If you saw this onscreen and paid as much attention to these kinds of claims as one usually does, you would swear it was real.

Except, well, it isn’t.

K bye everybody!

It’s an A.I.-generated-100%-phony use of the actual faces and voices of both news anchors.

Now, being a journalism junkie and show biz gadfly, I knew this story couldn’t be true because:

a. No MSNBC host would be allowed on CNN to sell a product and

b. Joy Reid doesn’t endorse merchandise publicly to make a buck.  That’s not what real working journalists with prime time news anchor platforms do.

It’s what people like Alex Jones and Joe Rogan do.

so…. this

But if you didn’t know better and chalked up a few words being slightly out of synch to the fact that almost every video known to man buffers or is slightly out of synch in spots on your screen of choice, you would swear this was real.

And we’re only at the start of the A.I. revolution

Who knows where all those pointy-headed potential Che Guevaras will strike next?

Oh wait, we do.  It’s… well… show biz!!

This this this

You might have heard there is a writers’ and actors’ strike going on and part of the issue is the future contractual regulation of the use of A.I. so actors and writers are not principally replaced by software duplicating their work and their images ad infinitum.

Recently, Disney CEO Bob Iger, being interviewed at a multimillionaire/billionaire business leader conference, called the union demands to work out a compromise for the protection of workaday creatives on A.I not realistic and very disturbing to him.

Et tu Bob I?

So it should surprise no one that the studios are now on a mass hiring spree for specialists they can employ to expand their A.I. capabilities.  This article from The Hollywood Reporter explains it far better than I can. 

But suffice it to say that Netflix, Disney, Sony and most of the other studios (Note: Amazon, Apple, WB, etc. etc.) are offering big bucks to those who can help them harness the technology that will enable them to throw off the shackles of how it’s done now and push past it all into a future where….

Well, the sky’s the limit.

Hello Hal do you read me?

And at starting salaries of anywhere from $150,000 to $900,000 per year plus perks.

Not nearly as much as the top ten Hollywood executives made in the last five year period, a list topped by the HALF A BILLION DOLLARS Warner Bros. Discovery’s head David Zaslav made.  (Note: Here’s the list.  Read it and think).


But if A.I. is going to occupy as big of a space as these guys seem determined to make room for – as witnessed by them turning a stubborn blind eye to the almost universal public roasting they are receiving for the way they are treating the creative people who enable them to make many billions of dollars each year – then there’s a hell of a lot of room to grow.  And grow.  And grow.

Gummie bears be damned.

“Crazy Little Thing Called Love” – Elvis Presley A.I.

(Note:  Elvis died two years before this song was written and released).

Living in an ADD World

Do you find your mind shifting from topic to topic these days?  Do you interrupt people far too often? Perhaps you’re jittery, nervous, impulsive, argumentative or – all of the above?

A qualified medical professional or experienced lay person could quickly diagnosis you with A.D.H.D. – Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder – a condition that affects at least 8 million adults in the U.S. and approximately double that or more in children.

I know that because I am one of those adults and, though undiagnosed at the time, was one of those children.

I told you I was busy!

Relax, it’s not such a terrible condition. Medication can change your life. Simple organizational exercises and psychological coping mechanisms allow you to be highly functional and quite effective at any task at hand.   And even untreated, the condition can come with the ability to hyperfocus – which in my case meant the inordinately handy superpower of waiting until the last minute to complete absolutely everything (Note: And humblebrag, often to great results) for the entire first half of my life.

Still, if you’re just discovering all this in 2018, I’m sorry to say the overwhelming chances are YOU DO NOT HAVE ADHD.  

C’mon chairy!

Much as I’d like to welcome you into the club, I can’t.

Because what I believe, more than anything else, is that:

You simply have…HAD IT.

I can’t with all this, and neither can you. Who can? No one – not and remain fully functional and optimally effective.


And don’t tell me to turn off the news. What if this is 1936 Germany? (Note: If???). Would it be prudent to turn off the news? I just hate people whose diagnosis is to turn off the news. So don’t be one of those people.

Or, as Big Edie lectured to Little Edie in the brilliant musical Grey Gardens:

When are you gonna learn, Edie? You ‘re in this world, you know. You’re not out of this world.

Musical theatre aside, see if anything about this is familiar:

I started one morning this week walking my dog and reading, on my phone, a Business Insider story someone posted on the 90 Best picture Oscar movies ranked by top critics. Yeah, I was hoping to find Forrest Gump at #90 too but it was #84, which wasn’t too disappointing.

But then you have to live with things like All Quiet On The Western Front at #4 and Lost Weekend at #3? Have you ever suffered through either of them? Good, because before you do you’ll also want to know The French Connection is #10 while Midnight Cowboy is #54 and The Sound of Music is #64.

Nope. Don’t ask. NOT GOING THERE.

So f-ck this list.

Or any list because then I’m reading the actual paper (Note: Yeah, I do that sometimes) and see that Trump is saying his approval numbers are up to 50% in one poll and that they are higher than Pres. Obama’s at the time. And they’re particularly up among African Americans, which he attributes to Kanye West’s big fat virtual bear hug this week.

Well, it turns out Trump’s sort of right, but partly because it’s the Rasmussen poll, which always leans far right, but primarily because he has not taken an average of all polls across the board – which have him trailing Obama. Still, it’s in the ballpark and now I’ve spent too much time aggravating myself. But, well, at least I’m informed. Right?

Oh AMEN… on loop… forever #oruntil2020

Which leads me to seek some entertainment and I watch the work of two of my former students on DVR who write for the new Zack Braff sitcom Alex, Inc., which turns out to be a perfectly charming diversion from anything in my life. Except that it’s on ABC and one of the episodes I watch directly follows the dreaded, phony star of the people herself, Roseanne – a show and person I have vociferously boycotted because in 2018 I know there is nothing real or funny about her except her uncanny ability to get attention for herself under the guise of some fictional high ground (Note: Who does that sound like?).

Nevertheless, because I want to be loyal to my students I had set the DVR a few minutes early for Alex, Inc. so as not to miss a second of their show and instead am now stuck with the sickening spectacle of the new/old Roseanne sitting at her kitchen table, pretending she is a member of the white working class. Who, it seems, in real life, actually voted in the majority for Hillary Clinton and NOT for Trump. Yeah, that’s right.  Read this and think #NotFakeNews:

We’re talking nonfiction here people

At which point I later I see on Twitter that Stormy Daniels – my new hero because who doesn’t like a pissed off porn star with a real sense of humor who has an attorney smarter and way better looking than the president – dogging Roseanne. Which, okay, I cop to LOVING but not when I realize it’s only because Roseanne first dogged Stormy by categorizing her this way in a far larger fonted tweet:

To which Stormy responds:

To which I tweet back to both of them, and to Patricia Arquette, who was also somehow in the argument to begin with, don’t ask me to explain how:

And you think I should turn off the news? Or take my meds? #NotAChance.


Because then I would’ve missed Trump lying to a misguided (by him) crowd in Cleveland about bringing back jobs en masse to the Midwest that will never return, which allowed me to then laugh totally without guilt at Seth Meyers that night when Kathy Griffin referred to his First Sons as Date Rape and Eddie Munster.

Sure, I know it’s not right but I’m not perfect and when you’re desperate enough you will laugh at and/or vote for almost anything – as that rally in Cleveland so aptly demonstrated.

Still, this leaves me totally disarmed when Friday night I catch up with David Letterman’s new Netflix show, My Next Guest, where he interviewed Tina Fey and she actually apologizes for the last line in her brilliant SNL sheetcaking segment from last year that was in response the alt-right/Nazi /White Supremacist protestors of mostly young men marching in Charlottesville, VA where an innocent young woman was murdered (and many others injured) when one of their brood decided to drive a sports car into the crowd.

No regrets Tina

That was the line where Tina urged us NOT to show up to protest the Nazi brood there or in any other city but instead do precisely what these “chinless turds” don’t want us to – act like it’s the opening of a thoughtful movie with two female leads, don’t show up.

But because of all the blowback she got at the implication of silence as a strategy to resist Nazis she said she wishes she had a time machine to go back and change that line to something more like: fight them in every way except the way that they want.

Which then led me to ponder – do I now tweet Tina and tell her that despite the social media kerfuffle she needn’t rethink one line of her brilliant piece because these days there is no politically correct way to #Resist that will please everyone?

The fact that Tina wrote this line (from Mean Girls) is not lost on me

And thank God, or whoever you believe Her to be, for that because the next great moment of Resistance in my mind is scheduled for this summer in England. Trump is planning a state visit there July 15 and a crowd of 1000 drag queens (and growing) has already signed up to meet him at the airport in a massive demonstration. There is even a Facebook page for the event that states: Due to the appalling way the Trump administration has regarded the rights and welfare of LGBTQI communities of the US, the idea of a Trump visit to the UK is unacceptable.


Still even better is this further explanation by one of the organizers, Cheddar Gorgeous, stating that the strategy is really to be:

In solidarity with many other groups who feel marginalized along lines of race, class and gender.

Which finally leads me to accept this one simple fact –

Any world where someone named Cheddar Gorgeous can lead a massive anti-Trump rally in a country with one of the largest economies in the world (UK is #6, right behind….California…HQ of the #Resistance – ok, not a country but a state…of mind) — is not one where you to turn off the news – or to anything else – any time soon.

Meds or no meds.

Diana Ross – “I’m Coming Out”