
Storytelling is an art I’ve yet to truly master, which seems odd because I teach it. 

But in a way, it’s not. 

No one is a master at every story they tell. 

we’ve all been there

That’s both the beauty and the hell of it.  Just when you think you know exactly what you’re doing, something great pops into your brain that you can’t make work despite all of your knowledge and experience.

My thing is written stories, which have their own sets of challenges depending on whether they are meant to be performed on a screen or stage, or simply read to oneself silently.

There are tricks of the trade, depending on the medium, but at the end of the day the facts are never exactly true.  The best you can do is capture the spirit of the truth, as you experience it through your characters. 

then it’s abracadabra

Every writer is a magician, a liar AND a truthteller, all at once.  But make no mistake, as sincere as we are, we are still pulling the wool over your eyes.  Concocting a set of circumstances and actions and getting you to believe them in our world.

Well, at least a world of our own making.

Of course, we humans are ALL storytellers, even if we don’t write them down.

and speaking of clowns…

Donald Trump tells many stories but so do his 34 felony convictions this week.  What does that tell us?  That despite how many people you’ve gotten to buy the bullsh-t you’re selling, or telling, there comes a point where one of your stories (Note: Or at least 34 of them) won’t work and you’ll get busted.

You may think what you’ve concocted out of whole cloth is great but as Ernest Lehman, the renowned screenwriter of North By Northwest, among many others, once stated:

…Then suddenly the audience tells you what you never knew.

I don’t know if I want to know

Trump makes up facts daily, spinning them into a sorcerer-ized version of his own reality, and for some insane reason(s) members of his party have taken a loyalty oath.

To the abusive alcoholic Dad who will buy them something to make up for the beatings –- emotional, physical and all sorts of other kinds.  Or for the promises he makes to them, some of which he will keep for a price and most of which he won’t remember, deny having made or simply welch on because he can.

There are countless reasons why an audience not only stays with you for some of your lesser works, but pays for them over and over again and swallows them whole.


I, for one, have never figured out how a film as godawful lousy as Michael Bay’s Pearl Harbor (written by Randall Wallace) earned half a billion dollars at the box office worldwide.  Or the international blockbuster earnings of pretty much any Michael Bay film.

Nor can I ever fathom how it is that the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy of books (written by E.L. James) sold 165 million copies, Stephanie Meyers’ seven-book Twilight series nearly topped it at 160 million copies and that each have far, far outsold, by A LOT, everything in total the late, great Pulitzer Prize-winning writer William Styron EVER wrote.

Not enough brooding maybe?

Much in the same way I will never truly understand the appeal of a thoroughly unconvincing hack storyteller the likes of Mistuh Trump, as his current arch enemy truthteller and former fixer, Michael Cohen (Note: A guy from the boroughs, just like me and Donald) liked to call him.

Nothing about any of the above movies or books, or even movie versions of the above books, had the vaguest ring of even escapist truth to me.  As for Mistuh Trump, you had to either grow up or live in New York City in the seventies or eighties to know what a truly buffoonish clown he was, and always has been able to get away with, thanks to inherited wealth, ties to criminal enablers and a mawkish racism and sexism that a lot of rich white people shared but would never verbalize in the “entertaining” way he chose to in all of those privileged and/or back-room circles.

Can he just go away?!?!

So many stories so many New Yorkers like myself heard about at the time but when we voiced our disgust (Note: Those of us who did were a solid minority, but clearly a minority) we were dismissed as soft, too sensitive or unable to take a joke.  Didn’t we know this was the real world and if we wanted to get ahead we’d just have to go along with it like everyone else?

No.  We didn’t think that.  And literally, we didn’t.

Instead, we did our thing in the way we thought right.  We tried to fight but you can’t battle the Trumps of the world and their enablers 24/7 and have a life.  As the years go on you learn balance, and the power of your own voice and your own stories.  They might be less lethal but they were far less evil, and had far less of a vindictive, nasty ugliness directed towards others.  What they also had was our ring of truth.

blind confidence also helps

Perhaps someday, many of us thought, our story, or stories, would become just as popular has his were.  Or even surpass them.

And with a 12-member jury of Manhattanites on Thursday, that day finally came.  The one where the audience that mattered publicly turned their backs on one particularly bile-ridden string of lies he told and his defenders had enabled and/or supported.  Instead, they bought into the stories of a porn star, a reformed felon who was a character in some of his uglier stories, and those from a team of lawyers, magically woven from the remnants of real facts he had chosen to either omit, or his cohorts unknowingly (Note: Or perhaps even knowingly) left behind in a paper trail of notes, eyewitness accounts, and phone record transcripts in the cloud (Note: Whatever and wherever that is) that can never be erased.

Thanks jurors!

One final thing that might feel unrelated but isn’t.

As victorious as it felt after the verdicts of that jury, I still needed an escape from the aftermath repetition of his stories, which were pretty much everywhere you turned. 

So I searched and searched and eventually wound up at one of the tried and true places I normally go to begin with —

Well, just for a palette cleanser.

And who I chose was a singer and actress who just happens to be the most Tony Award-winning theatre actor in the history of Broadway –  Audra McDonald. 

Well, actually PBS chose it for me with their Great Performances presentation of her 2023 concert, Audra McDonald Live At The London Palladium.

Boy, did that do the trick.  Audra (Note: We all feel like we can call her that) is a born storyteller, known for her superhuman operatic voice which she can twist any which way – opera, Broadway, the blues, jazz, special material, you name it, as well as for her ability to climb any number of death defying acting feats via characters that on the surface seem far beyond the essence of the funny, down-to-earth and very contemporary self-admitted, “poor Black girl from Fresno” she really is.

Icon. Legend.

In 2014, she became Billie Holiday (Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill) and won the most recent of her six Tony Awards.  In 1994, I was in the audience at Lincoln Center when she became the first woman of color to star in a major production of the period musical Carousel alongside three other very white leads in this very traditional and extremely, very white play.  With that performance, Ms. McDonald’s (Note: Okay, Audra’s) undeniable talents broke open the door for color-blind casting and, as tricky as the visual was at first glance, in just a few moments onstage she sold you on her life story of that story, and won her first Tony award for it.

I bear witness to her early abilities as a different type of storyteller because it was announced this week that she will soon be playing the pinnacle of All musical theatre roles  – Rose, mother of the most famous stripper in the world (Note: Prior to Stormy Daniels), Gypsy Rose Lee – in yet another revival of what many consider the greatest Broadway musical in the canon of Broadway musicals, Gypsy.

Me, upon learning this news

Respect to Audra but also doubts by more than a few because Rose is a ball busting, big-belting, overbearing, borderline abusive, egomaniac parent.  She will do ANYTHING to get whatever she wants in the name of love for her children but, as she even realizes by the end of the show, it’s really for her.

There will be no such realization from our former president, the one who deflects his felony convictions, as well as three other indictments and pending trials for major crimes across the country, by proclaiming in the lobby of his gold gilted eighties skyscraper to his disgruntled supporters — I Am Your Grievance!

No matter how many court sentences he gets and no matter how many more years, or even decades, he lives on his daily junk food diet, he won’t realize it because after a lifetime of privileged delusion he is incapable of change.  It’s not in his DNA.  Unlike America.  Which despite our checkered history has managed to at the very least slowly evolve to an inevitable change that will continue to be told by a myriad of the best storytellers in the world till the end of time.

Audra’s with us

Whether that is change for the better – or we follow down the path of destruction blazed by so many once mighty world powers that came before us – led by a guy with a wispy-haired fake blonde comb over in multi-colored pancake makeup, remains to be seen.

I can’t say I’m looking forward to the next six months of him trying to own the public square and us, even though it will be worth it to see him become the massive loser I am certain he will become so publicly yet again next November.

But November does hold one surefire treat – Audra’s Gypsy begins previews at Broadway’s Majestic Theatre on Nov. 21st and opens Dec. 19th

this is the only red and blue I want to talk about

I have every faith she’s thought long and hard about how she will authentically become a selfish, steamrolling, very flawed person who, despite her shortcomings, will finally admit she’s made a lot mistakes, certainly more than 34 of them. 

And, in the end, we will love her for it.

Unlike some people, who keep telling the same old tired story in the same old tired way, expecting the same old tired result.

Audra McDonald – “Cornet Man”

Go ahead and gloat

The Chair is a loyal family member and friend, a devoted educator and a writer who tries, though does not always succeed, to see all sides of an issue in his work.

But the Chair is tired of being nice and taking the high road.

Aren’t you?

OK here we go!

I know many of you are because I received countless (Note: Okay, more than a dozen) gleeful, hopeful and prayerful messages this week that the indictment of Donald Trump means that he is finally going to be held responsible for his countless crimes against — HUMANITY!

Oh, of course not humanity.

It’s just for things like falsifying his business records while paying hush money to a porn star and then lying about it everywhere he saw fit.

YAWN… that old chestnut?

My friends worry that this case isn’t important enough or strong enough to get him. They call me to assuage their worries about things like that, though I can’t imagine why.

But I tell them to think of this indictment as an appetizer to a four or five course meal.

Or maybe simply a palate cleanser before the real meal begins.

Just the teeniest tiniest sampling

There is so much to look forward to: vote tampering, perjury, illegal possession of government documents, inciting an insurrection against the US government, cooking the books of your real estate business and pilfering multimillions of dollars to bolster a fortune you overestimate or underestimate to the IRS, depending on the day and what benefits you – though not necessarily in that order.

One supposes crimes against humanity could eventually be on that much longer list once the last rock is turned over and the last orange-hued cockroach is forced from its hiding place.  But who knows?  By that time we might be onto something else and he just might not be available for us to kick around anymore.

Hey guys!

And no, I’m not suggesting or threatening anyone!   And if I were, I certainly wouldn’t do it in writing.  And I definitely wouldn’t do it in public.

Unlike some people.

This is more than I can say for scores of the friends, relatives, acquaintances and strangers that have crossed my path over the last eight years.

Ever since Trump floated the idea of running for president, and right around the time he spread the false story that Pres. Obama, our first Black president, wasn’t born in this country, the seemingly nicest people in the world I’ve known and/or never met until that moment, have wished him death and fates worse than that.

And quite often, they’ve felt a bit guilty about it.

OK you got me Thor

I might not have learned a lot in therapy but one thing I’ve realized is that guilt is a wasted emotion unless it serves to suppress some abhorrent action.

Meaning that wishing someone a slow and painful torturous existence, or even death, is not the same as killing him/her/them or spending your time making sure they suffer in all kinds of imaginable and unimaginable ways.

In fact, it might even be healthy to wish all of those things on someone you loathe in the midst of a bile-filled tantrum of your choice, provided you don’t act on it.

Do they have prime delivery options?

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me…after all.

Despite the fact that name-calling is a well-known, and guiltless, international Trumpian pastime.

This is why I also tell everyone that crosses my path who feels the need to confess that they have never wished any one person this much particular evil to… have at it!!

I do this because I know it’s healthy to vent but mostly due to the fact that after all these years I get they are far, far, FAR from ALONE.

I would include myself on this list of people.

Always accepting members

In my entire life, which is at this point is much longer than hypochondriacal me ever thought it would be in my younger years, I have never encountered a single public or private figure who has ever elicited so much bile from me and from so many others on such an unrelenting, and almost daily, basis.

It rivals the meanest mean girl (or guy) I knew in high school and brings to mind what came out of the mouth of the angriest and most egregious middle school complainer in the world.

Okay, the latter could even be me on certain days.  But still –

Oh fudge!

Rather than squash the instinct and provoke self-induced heart attacks or binge drinking, I want to let everyone know, and all those I don’t know, that  — IT’S OKAY.

Yell, gloat and say what you will in the privacy of your own home (Note: Or in selected public places to pre-screened selected audiences).

It doesn’t make you a bad person.

Not to mention, whatever you are thinking or saying, we’ve all likely thought worse.  And in my case, A LOT worse.

… that’s just for me to know

This begs the question of what he’s likely thinking and saying in regards to the likes of you and your kind – presently or in the past.  Or even future.

But the difference between him and us is that we don’t act out or act on those thoughts.  We’re in no danger of getting indicted for them because they’re not crimes.

Most certainly, they’re not crimes against humanity.

Which is more than I can say for….

Well, now I don’t even really need to say it.

“Bad Things” – Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello