Notes from an Oscar Pod

The Oscars are on Sunday and if the world doesn’t end by then we will be watching…and most likely, so will you.  Because….


Yes, this is what the entertainment industry is all about.

Of course, the 94th annual Academy Awards are about more than that.  They are about excellence in film, they are about reflecting our culture and they are all about…


Pretty much this exactly

Perhaps this is why eight of the awards usually presented live on the international broadcast on ABC will be handed out in an untelevised ceremony right before the show begins and then be inserted in pre-recorded snippets during the real show.

But never mind that – both Beyoncé and Billie Eilish will be among those singing their entire nominated songs LIVE!  Not to mention… Reba McEntire!!!


As the editors, production designers, hair/makeup, short filmmakers, sound and music score nominees listen from their pre-recorded cheap seats.

Do you think we have opinions???

Then join us for a new episode of Pod From A Chair with our special guest, longtime screenwriter and Oscar voter Barry Sandler.  Barry will share with us who he voted for this year and the reasons behind his choices as The Chair and Holly weigh in with their thoughts, picks and, um….thoughts.

While The Power of the Dog and Coda battle it out to the very end and try to avoid an upset from Drive My Car.

No, it’s not a horse race.

 And it’s an honor just to be nominated.

(Note: Oh, of course it is!).

Oscar Countdown!

In what has felt like the longest Awards season EVER, the Oscars are just ONE WEEK AWAY!

Hang on!

The Chair has predictions… The Chair has potential upsets… The Chair has OPINIONS! And it’ll all be revealed in this week’s Notes from a Chair podcast. The Chair, with Holly and our special guest, will break down Hollywood’s biggest night from awards seen and unseen. Who will grab the industry’s biggest prize (and who will look the best doing it)? Will it be Jessica and Will for Hollywood’s homecoming king and queen? Has anyone really watched The Eyes of Tammy Faye? Does it even matter? Will Coda take a bite out of Power of the Dog? How many more puns do you think we have left (hint: a lot more)? Stay tuned for our mid-week podcast on all things 94th Oscars…

Till then…