All Things SNL: Part II

As promised, part two of our podcast dedicated to all things SNL, featuring special guest Stephen Tropiano (author of Saturday Night Live FAQ) is now streaming! This time we get into our favorites — musical guest, featured player, and yes, even best sketch of all time (REALLY!). This podcast has EVERYTHING.

The Chair At Home

The Chair remains cushioned this week — safe, warm, in a heap of blankets with nothing but a remote, a laptop, an iPhone, an iPad, and Netflix to keep him company (oh and the good doctor too!). In between episodes of HGTV’s Celebrity IOU (if you don’t know, get thee to a couch now), the Chair snuck in a viewing of this week’s SNL… and this pretty much sums it up…

Who knew how important the laughs would be? The nervous giggles over a twisted joke? The awkward chortle when a cast member is trying wayyy too hard? the LOL moment when Kate McKinnon gives us her crazy eyed glare? Let’s all remember this when some pop culture prognosticator declares that live in-studio television is “dead.” #longlivethecannedlaughs

Either way, the show had some highlights which will help get us through the week (who are we kidding? The Chair will just rewatch Kids Baking Championship from 2017 if he’s in a pinch):

Bathed in a the red glow of her grotto fire pit, Miss Miley did us proud with her cover of Pink Floyd. (Now added to the Chair’s list of “sentences we never thought would appear on the blog”).

And kudos to Dr. Anthony Fauci who got his wish to have Brad Pitt impersonate him (we’re guessing that wish is third to, you know, a vaccine and retirement). Also, snaps to Mr. Pitt for having a stellar background (#ZoomEnvy).

And in yet another Pete Davidson made-in-his-basement music video (how many hoodies does this guy have?), we were treated to some old-fashioned Adam Sandler, a schtick that seemed to have gotten old only to be revived by his heartfelt hosting gig last season (which was a year ago, which converted to quarantine time is roughly a decade ago). Here’s the video if you’re so inclined, but we’re more interested in how adorable Sandler’s wife is.

Almost too cute to function

Till next week, Chair fans. Leaving you with some wise words from Ms. Gaga.