Race to the Bottom

You might have heard about this but here’s the very abbreviated version:

Two 27 year-old Black male lawmakers were expelled from the Tennessee state legislature this week for participating in a peaceful protest to speak up about gun violence on behalf of their constituents – both young and old – who were not being heard – after three 3rd graders were murdered by a shooter using an assault weapon at a Nashville religious school two weeks ago.

A third lawmaker who participated in the protest, a 60 year-old White woman and retired teacher who lived through a high school shooting in 2007 but still sees the faces of her terrified students in her mind’s eye daily, was NOT expelled.

When asked why, she looked a reporter in the eyes and said, quite plainly, it was because of the color of my skin.

Forever known as The Tennessee Three

Duh, you might say. 

Nevertheless, the point needs to be made.

Again and again. 

Until it sinks in.

For all the national media coverage this has ignited, it’s obvious American’s original sin of racism is not going away any time soon.  It’s also plain to see that those who seek to address it in the hallways of government or through the walkways of their everyday lives, have their work cut out for them.

Can you imagine?

On the other hand, so do those who seek to silence us. 

They’re losing the battle on this and many other social issues and they don’t like it.

Let’s take school shootings and gun violence.

More than half of Americans now want assault weapons banned and more than that want stricter gun laws across the board.  Three of four of us want to raise the age to purchase a gun to 21 years old.

Nevertheless, the answer of the overwhelmingly white, straight, male legislators of Tennessee to this latest slaughter of grade schoolers in their state is to add some security guards at key locations and simultaneously LOOSEN the requirements around purchasing a firearm in their state.

Sorry not sorry for the cursing

Never mind that there was a security guard present 15 YEARS AGO at the shooting that third lawmaker witnessed.   You can also forget that more than 70% of the country, including a majority of Tennesseans, want more, not less, restrictions around guns

But maybe not. 

Because being terrified en masse to speak our minds is not what we Americans do, as a whole.  It’s simply not a democratic tradition.

When our lawmakers refuse to hear us what we do, among other things, is stage peaceful protests, often on the floors of our legislatures and many times led by our local representatives, in order to get our points across.

We act up, we disrupt and we GET LOUDER. 

This is how you raise your voice

That is what happened with civil rights, the Vietnam War, women’s rights, gay liberation, AIDS activism, climate change and so many other issues too numerous to mention.

It won’t immediately end the inequities but it is a proven, effective way to push a growing boulder of dissent up the hill towards recognition by an intractable minority intent on keeping the status quo in place.

It is one of the mechanisms by which democratic societies evolve and it is how real change, incremental though it might be, happens.

Sure is

Rep. Justin Jones, Rep. Justin Pearson and Rep. Gloria Johnson are united in advocating for sensible gun laws in a governing body controlled by an immovable super majority of entrenched white southern males who wield their power in every way possible so as not to hear them or the tens of thousands of citizens they represent.

Those guys are so petty they stuck newly elected Rep. Johnson in a broom closet of a windowless office during the pandemic when she wouldn’t vote for their majority leader of choice. 

They spit at Rep. Jones and urinated on his desk because they objected to his activist roots and his refusal to go along. 

They even told Rep. Pearson to consider a new career if you won’t follow the rules when he showed up in a traditional African dashiki and sporting a large, natural Afro hairdo, at his swearing in ceremony earlier this year. 

Heroic and handsome??

Of course, there was no specific dress code for that House floor.  Just as there was no law or tradition against Pres. Obama wearing that tan suit in the Oval Office all those years ago.

The latter sounds almost quaint now, doesn’t it?

Yet here’s the real point. 

If intransigent lawmakers think a few insults or pre-arranged vote counts will this easily thwart the desire of the vast majority for change, they are being willfully, and sadly, ignorant.

Rep. Johnson wasn’t deterred by her teeny office or even by the sexist remarks they hurled at her.  Instead, she famously dragged her desk out in the hallway, conducting her business there.  And rather than be quiet in thanks for allowing her to stay in her duly elected seat, this week she chose to speak out against the obvious racism they exercised to expel her two younger colleagues as any true ally would.

This is why she and the Justins are quite aptly referred to as The Tennessee Three.

This is America

Of course, the road will be a bit more complicated for those two younger men in this very southern state given their skin color and Gen Z, take no prisoners style.

Yet if their fellow legislators continue their final gasping grab of power and refuse to recognize the wants and needs of the majority of Tennesseans, not to mention the rest of the country, they will do so at their own peril. 

Because they will lose.

Gen Z will save the world

A brief look at both Justins show us they are not to be underestimated and are, in fact, among the smartest, savviest and most qualified representatives of any color Gen Z could have manufactured for this fight.

Justin Jones was raised in Oakland and is a former intern for veteran U.S. Congressman Barbara Lee.  His mother is Filipino, his father is Black and his Mom raised him while putting herself through nursing school.

He graduated from Fisk University, a renowned black college in Nashville, enrolled in Divinity School at Vanderbilt University, and then became a community activist who successfully campaigned for the removal of the bust of a Ku Klux Klan grand wizard that was long displayed in Tennessee’s state capitol. 

Jones (left) with the statue before it was removed

He then led a series of protests after the murder of George Floyd against the state’s loosening gun laws in that very capitol, and kept at it after being arrested more than a dozen times, until he himself was elected as a legislator.  He drew such ire from conservative members that he was recently forced to file a police report against one of them, Rep. Justin Lafferty, when the latter grabbed his phone away and shoved him while filming protests on the Capitol floor.

Note: Previously, Lafferty was mainly known for suggesting that the infamous 3/5 compromise in the Civil War era – which allowed slaveholding states to count 60% of their slave population as citizens in order to gain more representation in Congress but did NOT require them to give those slaves any constitutional rights – as evidence of the South’s effort to end slavery.


As if all this weren’t enough, Jones is also a charismatic orator with a soaring, extended phraseology reminiscent of the late Dr. Martin Luther King  Similarly, he often speaks to a higher calling and a greater good, framing his arguments in biblical aspirations of lifting up his constituents and serving those less fortunate, rather than himself.

Justin Pearson is equally charismatic, but with a more intellectual bent, evoking a younger Malcolm X.  This is unsurprising when you do perfunctory digging into his background.

Born in Memphis, his father was a preacher and his mother was a teacher when his family moved to Washington D.C. so his father could get his master’s degree at Howard University.  But by the time the family was able to move back to Memphis, Pearson found himself attending an underfunded and often-ignored inner city high school.

words to live by

Undeterred, he led a fight for textbooks and AP classes, became school valedictorian, and went on to graduate from Bowdoin College, where he was a Melon Mays fellow and attended a summer public policy institute at Princeton.

He then founded a successful environmental community group that stopped corporate polluters from running a pipeline directly through poor black neighborhoods in south Memphis, which spurred him to run for office.  This led to his victory over a large slate of opponents, earning him the seat of the renowned veteran Black state legislator, the late Barbara Cooper.

Pearson’s learned, intellectual arguments are far beyond his years and impressive, especially his ability to interlace historical examples of political change that support and promote current legislation and issues he advocates for in order to address past legal inequities and contemporary local injustices.

Tennessee legislators often site rules of decorum and especially strict parliamentary procedures in particular when they deal with the Justins.

They really think they are being clever

So a bullhorn they used on the Floor in order to enable the views of parents and young people in their districts protesting the slaughter of three local third graders to be heard was considered especially egregious and instant grounds for expulsion. 

This purposely ignores the fact that this historical, peaceful activism is in the very long tradition of good trouble led by the likes of the late civil rights icon and veteran southern Congressman John Lewis, one he employed the House floor of the US Congress in the last years of his life.

One wonders if the thinking was – you can’t silence a dying icon whose skull was cracked three generations ago at the hands of our southern white male ancestors, but you can stop a pair of uppity ((Note: Their words, not mine) young Black men in the Tennessee legislature in 2023 with a supermajority of middle-aged, straight white males representing a group of gerrymandered straight white districts vote to strip them of their jobs.


But it won’t work. 

Not in 2023

Because in these good old new days the world is literally watching them, via their phones and on their screens and tablets. 

And that new, multiracial, American supermajority is repelled by what it sees.

Speech from Justin Pearson – “My People Didn’t Quit”

Move Over, Gramps

I’m barely hanging on to middle age and by some measures I might have passed it.  So I can say this without impunity.

Old people that cling to power and long to bring us back to their glory days with quick or violent or exclusionary wars or “fixes” are doomed to failure.

We see it in 70-year-old Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s crazy train, unprovoked invasion of his Democratic neighbor, Ukraine, this week.  A last-ditch attempt to topple a free country and force it to unwillingly abdicate its freedoms in order to become a part of his planned Old/New Soviet Union.

Here we go…

We feel it in 66-year-old Sen. Lindsey Graham’s hysterical mid-week tweet proclaiming the nomination of the first Black female to the U.S. Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, a woman he enthusiastically voted into a federal judgeship two years ago, now means the radical left has won.

And we can even notice it in the decision of the Motion Picture Academy and ABC to suddenly cut EIGHT Academy award categories (Note: A full one-third) from being handed out live during its Oscar telecast, an anxious Hail Mary pass to somehow reclaim the big money, outsized ratings and audience of its pre-streaming, pre-pandemic past.

None of it will work or ultimately change anything in their favor.

You got that right

Because nothing can bring something old to heel like the massive power unleashed by a series of unfavorable tweets, videos and interconnected social commitments calling out all the unjust, desperate wrong-headed moves by the old-guard powers-that-be.

Recent history has shown us this with everything from the Vietnam anti-War movement of the sixties, to the fall of the Berlin Wall in the eighties and, now, to the current Black Lives Matter movement.

The supercharged comingling of actions and thought that technology and social media has wrought has especially helped most recently.  A young person actually filmed George Floyd being murdered and that one horrifying post gave birth to thousands of others until the break towards justice became inevitable, if still all too slowly undeniable.

Remember this when it feels long

See, it’s not that our ancestors didn’t organize well back in the olden days.  It’s more that they didn’t have the means to begin to topple their oppressors using their virtual powers in the name of justice with such dizzying speed.

And no, the revolution has nowhere near concluded.   In so many ways that we right now can’t possibly see, it’s only just beginning.

As the world closes in on Russia, freezing its assets and access, Putin thus far remains seemingly steadfast in leveling to the ground the very country he is trying to take over.

He may have sent in 150,000 troops (approximately one-third of Russia’s heavily armed forces) but he didn’t count on the massive resistance of a young country of approximately 44 million led by a feisty leader almost half his age who used to be an actor – and a really good one (Note: As opposed to an aging real life Bond super villain).

Won’t back down

Meaning, it’s really hard to convince the world you’re trying to topple a neo-Nazi regime when that much younger than you president is Jewish, handsome and posts daily videos from his war-torn streets proclaiming he and his cabinet will never surrender or leave and that every Ukrainian who wants a gun will be given a government supplied military style weapon to defend themselves.

Certainly you can wipe out thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in traditional warfare, but what do you do when millions more citizens keep springing up from all sides armed from not only their country but the growing majority of countries left in the global community? 

The horrific story that stood out most to me this week on social media was the one about the 13 Ukrainian border guards stationed on the country’s 40 mile Snake Island, who died defending it and will now all be awarded the country’s highest military honor, Hero Of Ukraine, by Pres. Zelensky.

As an invading Russian vessel approached that tranquil island, a voice bellowed:

This is a Russian warship.  I ask you to lay down your arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed and unnecessary deaths.  Otherwise you will be bombed.

To which the Ukrainian soldiers responded, after a brief pause:


It’s not that I know for sure the thousands and thousands of young people, old people, middle aged people and very elderly people I have since seen on Twitter and Instagram pointing, holding and aiming military style government supplied weapons are all a direct result of this now viral story.

It’s that I’m not even barely convinced, not one scintilla, that it is NOT related.  Or that it isn’t indicative of something a lot larger.

The whole world is watching

When educated young people especially are forced into hiding below ground on subway platforms and in bomb shelters, watching pregnant women give birth and premature neo-natal care units trying to revive infants struggling to breathe with makeshift respirators to the intermittent sounds of bombs, the actions of one short, withering 70 year old billionaire madman isn’t quite the deterrent he believes it is.

As a college professor I remind myself weekly, and can reliably tell you, that when you’re in your twenties you don’t have logic.  What you have is passion.  And anger.  The energy to act no matter what may happen with the belief it will only happen your way.  #UkraineLives

Meanwhile, here in the United States we sit as the majority of Republicans in Congress have predetermined they will not vote for the first female Black nominee to the US Supreme Court. 

We needn’t go through Justice Jackson’s decades old, top drawer resume – from former Supreme Court clerk to the Justice she’s replacing – Stephen Breyer – to prestigious legal defender of the downtrodden – to esteemed judge on the state and federal court level.

What much of their current objections really come down to is the fact that a little over two years ago this woman, then merely in her late forties, had the temerity to rule against seventy something Pres. Donald Trump and his legal team in their plea to ignore multiple subpoenas from Congress to answer the more than many questionable goings-on in his White House.

In a 188-page ruling that agreed with every previous court opinion on the subject, Justice Jackson noted that Presidents aren’t kings, and that this one’s closest advisors had no right to ignore the concerns of another co-equal branch of government under our Constitution under the guise of executive privilege.


Though, well,  it also didn’t help that this judge was Black.  And female. 

Nevertheless, it’s not hard to imagine the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg smiling from the Great Beyond when this new Justice is sworn in some months from now.  When asked after her own confirmation at what point there would be enough women on the nine-member U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Ginsberg simply and famously replied:

When there are nine.

Which brings us, in quite a strange way, to the Oscars.

Chair takin’ us on a roller coaster ride today!

Here’s the thing. 

Do you know how many people tuned in to see the finale of the TV series M*A*S*H in pre-streaming, pre-cable 1983?

105.9 million.

That’s a huge number that nothing can reach these days.  Not even the 2021 Super Bowl, which topped that year’s ratings at 92.8 million.  And not the AFC Championship game, the #2 show that year at 42.5 million.

But do you know what show didn’t even make the list of the top 100 TV broadcasts in 2021? 


Yep, we all know it

Its ratings cratered and didn’t even come close, at 9.85 million.  That was a gigantic drop-off from the 23.6 million that tuned in the year before. Forget about the 48 million who watched the Oscars in 1983 AND may or may not have watched the M*A*S*H finale..

Nevertheless, cutting the live presentation of awards for best editor, production design, short films, makeup and hairstyling, musical score and sound from live TV in favor of god knows what kind of comedy sketch, song and dance, or flat, feeble attempt at an Insta/TikTok moment of relevance from a bunch of people over fifty or sixty or beyond, won’t bring this year’s 94th Oscars back to 1983, or even 2020 levels.

That’s what the kids say… right?

The fact is, 2021’s best picture winner, Nomadland, was about half as exciting as the 2020 winner, Parasite.  And this year’s battle between The Power of the Dog and Drive My Car, will probably be that much less, well….spellbinding.

Yet when Black Panther was in the running in 2019, 29.6 million people were miraculously watching. 


Though QUESTION: Can anyone think of perhaps ONE other reason for all that viewership in 2019 (and further back) aside from Black Panther?  ANSWER:


Oh right… that

What the Oscar producers and ABC fail to see is that time has marched on.  They might not like the facts of this pandemic, of movies debuting on streaming platforms or even the subject matter of the many nominated films, but that is what 2022 has wrought.

So instead of penalizing that young or middle aged person who has worked like hell and actually gotten even a short film off the ground that could speak to an international audience, perhaps they could figure out a way to get….creative…and given them a moment or a shot?

Embrace the unplanned, the glamour, the irony, the history and the reality of these filmmaking times. 

Nope… this is better

Because nothing turns off younger people more than older people or organizations trying to pretend they’re hip and young.

This is why in a classroom of college students I never attempt to act like I truly understand how to navigate our widescreen television from HDM1 to a streaming platform to DVD (Note: The latter a giveaway) and back again without severe anxiety.

Instead, I simply embrace the obvious, make jokes about myself while I’m struggling before them and then, very likely, grovel and beg for their help.

How to admit you’re old without having to say you’re old

They appreciate anything and anyone older than them admitting they don’t know everything and are not necessarily superior simply because they have lived longer and are less supple.

Moreover, they really like it when those in command willingly give in some to generational change instead of turning away or silencing the voices of those less powerful and far more…taut.

Sheryl Crow – “A Change Would Do You Good”