Supersized Sunday

You didn’t think we would compete against Super Bowl Sunday and the post mortem analysis during the subsequent week, did you?

Some of you might be unpacking the game (Note: Who’s playing again?) but many of you will be ragging on or obsessed with the commercials.  Though can anything beat the late Betty White in her 2010 Snickers ad?  I don’t think so. 

That’s why if and when we tune in or unpack, it’ll be only be about the….


Yes girl!

Yes, Rihanna’s great.  And surely there will be at least one umbrella to be had on the stadium field.

However, when memorable half-time shows come to mind how can anything ever top the purple one himself  –


Dearly beloved…

In 2007, he literally sang Purple Rain in the pouring purple rain and mesmerized an old curmudgeonly football agnostic like myself into literal applause he couldn’t hear at the end of his set.

Springsteen, Gaga, Beyoncé, Bruno Mars – they were all appropriately hot and cool.  But Prince gets the GOAT crown for his musicianship, his performance chops, his songs and his sheer otherworldly Prince-liness.

Have another look before, after or in-between beers/jello shots/wings/chips and ________________.

And Go ___________________________________!!!